
Blog # 24 : Goldman Sachs Interview Question 2009

Questions asked to Mr. Anshul Omar:

Technical interview 1:
  1. Tell something that happened in your life that made you feel exhilarated or tell about one of your achievements that you are proud of.
  2.  Data Structures...stack and queues basic questions  //code
  3. Dynamic programming  //code
  4. Fibonacci algorithm (efficiently)  //code
  5. Puzzle: Match box..weigh exactly once
  6. How would you ascertain whether a given list is a circular list most efficiently?   //code
  7. Operating Systems fundamental questions
Technical interview 2:
  1. Data structures implementation or practical applications
  2. What are your favourite data structures and why?
  3. Implementation of stacks dynamically, and code for push and pop operation incorporating exception handling
  4. How to deallocate memory after pop operation...code for it including functions and return types
  5. A string is given and print it by removing all duplicated letters most efficiently
    for e.g. " Hello world"....ans: Helo wrld..order doesn't matter.....I did it in O(nlogn) time.  //code
  6. Questions on coding in C/C++
  7. Database management basics
  8. Ques on projects....everything associated with it
  9. JSP, mySQL, AJAX etc. web development tools used in project
  10. OOP concepts
  11. Features of OOP model
  12. Types of programming languages
  13. What is the thing that excites you the most about GS?
and some more....

HR interview:
  1. Tell us about yourself
  2. Introduce yourself in context of academic background
  3. Scholarships that you have got in your entire scholastic career
  4. Why do you want to do an intern in GS?
  5. Why GS, why not any other corporation that has a mix of technological core and business analysis?
  6. What is investment banking, securities?
  7. What do you know about market analysis, shares,commodities etc.?
  8. Why should we take you?
  9. How would you benefit GS?
  10. What do you expect from us while doing an intern in GS?
  11. Extra-curricular

Questions asked to Mr. Shivasheesh :

First Technical Interview

1. How are C and C++ different  (don't discuss syntax differences) ?? Difference between class and structure.

2. How are C++ and Java different? (Don’t discuss syntax differences)

3. What are linked list??  Implement them reading n integers from user. -- Source code

4. Which is better one - array or linked list?? Why? What is the usefulness of arrays and linked lists over one another??
5. What is the return type of malloc??

6. What does void * mean??

6. Discuss the memory management in C++ and Java. Allocation and deallocation of memory in C, C++, Java (all three). 

7. Define inheritance and polymorphism. Difference b/w polymorphism and function overloading. Difference in inheritance in C++ and Java.  

8. Garbage collection in Java? How is it different from memory deallocation??

9. Last semester's project related. -- np and np complete problems, optimization techniques, genetic algorithms (my project)

10. Why intern at Goldman Sachs?? Why not Microsoft or Google??

 Second Technical Interview

1. PUZZLE -- Burn the rope

    A non-uniform rope takes 60 min. to burn completely. You are given 2 ropes exactly similar.
    Devise a method so that u can calculate a time lapse of 15 minutes.
2. What is a binary tree, complete binary tree and a balanced binary tree?

3. Implementation of binary tree and "insert a node in the tree" operation code.

4. Inorder traversal of binary tree code.

5. Which is a better data structures -- linked list or binary tree ?? Why ??

6. What is a multiplexer and a demultiplexer??

7. Draw the circuit diagram of multiplexer using gates.

8. Basic questions from javascript. - Syntax and usage. // code

9. output of a code using if-else statements  // easy one  :)

10. output of a code using switch-case

    char x=100 ;
    printf ("\n%c\n\n",x) ;
    printf ("\n%d\n\n",x) ;
    switch (x)                         // is this correct ??
        case 1 : printf ("1") ;
        case 2 : printf ("2") ;
        case 3 : printf ("3") ;
        case 99 : printf ("99") ;
        case 100 : printf ("4") ;
        case 255 : printf ("255") ;
        default : printf ("default") ;
    switch ('x')                         // is this correct ??
        case 1 : printf ("1") ;
        case 2 : printf ("2") ;
        case 3 : printf ("3") ;
        case 99 : printf ("99") ;
        case 100 : printf ("4") ;
        case 255 : printf ("255") ;
        default : printf ("default") ;
11. Project related.   
12: Database Management -- tables, syntax for query?

13. Do u have some idea of the work done at Goldman Sachs?? What is investment banking??