
Blog # 23 : DeShaw Internship Interview 2010

I'll post interview questions of DeShaw for internship in 2010. They have some kind of affection with Polymorphism.

Arvind Mohan:

Telephone Round:
1. What is a virtual destructor? What is its use?
2. What is a Virtual base class?
3. Reverse a Singly Linked List.
4. How to find a loop in a linked list?
5. What are the differences between pointer and reference?

Face to Face Interview:
1. Tell me about yourself technical which is not in your CV.
2. What do you understand by Polymorphism?
3. Pointers and References
4. In a binary tree, Information about parent is given. Find common ancestor of two nodes.
5. In how much time loads.
6. You are provided with marks of students in physics, chemistry, maths and total marks along with their name. What type of data structure will you use to store this data and to give the rank to students. If two students with same total marks then tie will be broken by marks in Chemistry, then Physics and then maths.